Be completely free from the urge to binge FOR GOOD.

Get your period back without the pill.

Become TRULY healthy, without obsession and food anxiety.

Reach your fitness and physique goals while living your damn life.

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I help women like you, because I WAS you.

I'm a Registered Dietitian, and I came into this profession because I struggled with binge eating for 5 years.

I was so tired of feeling like a failure, not able to complete a fat loss phase without binging despite my life being consumed by meal planning, macro tracking and exercise. I couldn’t go out with my friends and family without thinking about food the entire time or binging.

When I finally broke free, I knew I had to show other women how to find this freedom and mental peace too!

I've been working with women who struggled like me and you since 2019. It's still surreal to help them, when in just 2017 I thought I would never be free from binge eating and just be "normal" around food.

Client experiences


I guide you through the entire process of stopping binge eating, getting your period back and finding a healthy relationship to food and fitness. I will be in your back pocket every step of the way, providing individualized support.

Program length: 3 months


 This includes:

  • 3 months of personalized coaching from an expert who has been through what you are going through and will never tell you “ride out” the urge to binge. We get to the ROOT CAUSE, so you *naturally* stop binge eating even in the most "triggering" situations.
  • Bloodwork and lab reviews and a personalized plan to optimize your hormonal and digestive health, and get you to optimal health with peace and freedom with food 
  • 9 sessions, 45 minute Zoom sessions (3 per month) - we will discuss struggles, goals, and set clear action steps each session to move you forward on the path to freedom, peace and balance with food, fitness and your body
  • Between session email support Mon-Fri - reach out to me via email when you have questions, or need help working through struggles

Investment: $2100

or 3 payments of $700 per month

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"The best thing I’ve ever signed myself up for! I honestly never thought in a million years I’d find someone who could both help me and actually understand what I was going through. I honestly thought I was gonna be stuck with my eating habits and crazy cravings for the rest of my life. It was amazing too just sharing the foods that I’m thoroughly enjoying now a days too and no guilt what so ever on the foods that I’m now consuming! 😋
Elena’s personality was so awesome too! Loved it!" 


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I'll review your application and get back to you within 1 business day to chat about if this would be a good fit!

Learn more about me and my method on my podcast!